
Perspectives on Further Improving and Implementing Active Reproductive Support Measures

The Guiding Opinions on Further Improving and Implementing Active Reproductive Support Measures issued by 17 departments, including the National Health and Health Commission and the National Development and Reform Commission, were published on the 16th of October, promoting the in-depth implementation of the policy that one couple can have three children. The Guidelines consider marriage, childbirth, parenting and education as a whole, and accelerate the establishment of a system of active childbirth support policies through policies in finance, taxation, insurance, education, housing, employment and other related areas, so as to provide strong support for promoting the realization of an appropriate level of fertility and long-term balanced development of the population.

According to the guidance, each province, city and county should set up one government-run, standardized maternal and child healthcare institution. During the “14th Five-Year Plan” period, investment within the central budget will support the development of about 10 national regional medical center construction projects in the pediatrics category. “The guidance specifies quantitative indicators for improving eugenics services.” Wang Xi, an assistant researcher at the China Population and Development Research Center, said this will further improve the maternal and child healthcare system with Chinese characteristics and alleviate the problem of children's difficulties in accessing medical care. Notably, in response to the new needs of young pregnant women, the guidance proposes expanding the pilot program of labor analgesia, standardizing related diagnostic and therapeutic behaviors, and upgrading the level of labor analgesia. Promoting the construction of assisted reproductive technology systems. Localities are instructed to comprehensively consider factors such as the affordability of medical insurance (including maternity insurance) funds and the standardization of relevant technologies, and to gradually incorporate appropriate analgesia for childbirth and assisted reproductive technology projects into the scope of fund payments in accordance with procedures.